NHS waiting lists rose again to 7.64m in August up by 18,614, the latest data has revealed.
A major new Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) report has highlighted the ‘unresolved’ issues in social care funding and reform.
Council leaders have called for Government approval of plans for a new hospital ahead of the Autumn Budget.
A hospital trust has denied claims by campaigners it is closing an A&E department ‘through stealth’.
St Nicholas Hospice Care in Suffolk has a warned of ‘growing financial strain’ after its funding was cut.
A new intermediate care bed facility in South Cumbria is helping hospital patients return home independently.
The Lib Dems have repeated their call for cross-party talks on social care after revealing a steep rise in the number of pensioners per care home.
A new trust has brought together community, mental health and learning disability services across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
Directors of public health have written to the Government urging it to boost the public health grant by £1.4bn.
The Meadows community hospital in Stockport has celebrated what is to believed to be the first handover of a 25-year private finance initiative (PFI) healthcare contract in England.
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