A think-tank has called for radical health devolution as a precursor to building a Neighbourhood Health Service.
The National Pharmacy Association (NPA) is advising its 6,000 member pharmacies in England to start the process of reducing opening hours and services from 1 April, if no new and sufficient funding...
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust has formed a strategic partnership with US non-profit hospital Cedars-Sinai.
Over 5,000 people have missed routine screening since 2008 due to an admin error it has been revealed.
Having easier access to GP appointments is the top NHS concern of the public, according to a new poll.
Pharmacies are unable to dispense a prescription at least once a day due to a growing crisis in medicine supply, a news survey reveals.
Government and GP representatives have agreed reforms to GP contracts for the first time in four years.
The government discovered demand for urgent dental care of 2.2 million, but covered less than a third of it, according to the British Dental Association (BDA).
Having easier access to GP appointments is the top NHS concern of the public, according to a new poll.
NHS England has written to ICBs across the country, directing each to provide thousands of urgent appointments over the next year.
An estimated 382,000 adults visited their GP or an urgent care service due to their usual pharmacy being unable to fill their NHS prescription between 10 December and 1 January, new analysis reveals.
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