Over half of councils have warned they face insolvency when an exemption for SEND spending expires in March 2026.
A local area partnership report has highlighted ‘inconsistent experiences and outcomes’ for young people with SEND.
The eviction of a 35-year-old who spent 18 months at Northampton General Hospital shows a ‘broken NHS discharge system’, the DHSC has said.
MPs from the Health and Social Care Committee have visited the Isle of Wight to explore its model for the provision of health and social care.
A £200m boost to public health services has been announced by the Government.
Oxfordshire's Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (JHOSC) has said it is ‘disappointed’ at the DHSC’s decision not to intervene in the restructuring of Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Ber...
Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MCHFT) has submitted a planning application to build an electrical substation that will power a new hospital in Crewe.
The Government has been urged to reverse its hike in National Insurance on care providers as new figures reveal the extent to which nursing costs for pensioners have increased over the past decade.
The Scottish Government has scrapped plans to deliver structural social care reform through a National Care Service.
Chief medical officer, Professor Chris Whitty, has highlighted the issues driving health inequalities in cities in his annual report.
Unison has called on councils to back its campaign for a National Care Service to fix the broken social care system.
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand G, SCP 32 - 37 (£41,511 - £46,731) per annum
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand G, SCP 32 - 37 (£41,511 - £46,731) per annum