A think-tank has called for radical health devolution as a precursor to building a Neighbourhood Health Service.
Care England has launched legal action over the Government’s rise in National Insurance Contributions (NICs) for care providers.
An NHS insider has predicted the number of ICBs will be slashed in pending Government reforms.
Three North Yorkshire hospices have warned they are facing a combined £1.5m deficit.
A Learning Disability Partnership (LDP) between Cambridgeshire County Council and Cambridgeshire & Peterborough ICB is to be dissolved amid a row over unpaid debt.
Liverpool City Region Combined Authority is investing over £4m in an innovation centre at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.
Health and social care finances are facing a £457m funding gap in 2024/25, a new report has revealed.
Higher staffing costs are forcing local authorities to cut the number of people they support, new analysis has found.
The opening of a health centre in Worthing, West Sussex has been delayed following the discovery of legionella bacteria.
The Local Government Association (LGA) has expressed concerns about the ‘capacity’ of Baroness Casey after she was appointed to three roles in a month.
Over half of councils have warned they face insolvency when an exemption for SEND spending expires in March 2026.
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Selby, North Yorkshire£45,178 - £49,764 per annum