Pharmacy owners in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have voted in favour of the first collective action in their history.
The government and NHS England are set to reveal plans to reduce the service's reliance on agency staff, which costs £3bn a year.
Trust leaders are bracing themselves for another tough winter with concerns mounting over whether the health service can meet key performance targets, a new NHS Providers survey reveals.
An improved anti-smoking drug is to be rolled out on the NHS in England in a bid to save thousands of lives.
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Principal consultant Aidan Rave believes the consensus that our health service is ‘broken’ is nothing more than a way to avoid difficult decisions.
North Bristol NHS Trust shares the work it is doing to develop surgical robot, machine learning, pattern recognition and gadgets.
Alan Milburn has been appointed as lead non-executive member to the board of the Department of Health and Social Care.
Clinicians at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) have been taking part in the first NHS trial of healthcare AI tool from TORTUS to help increase face-to-face time during appointments.
The Employer National Insurance Contribution increase could put more than two million GP appointments at risk, new analysis reveals.
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