Consultants across Scotland have voted to accept a £124.9m investment in their pay and reward package.
Senior doctors are charging the NHS premium rates for overtime, allowing some to make more than £200,000 a year from additional work, BBC News reveals.
North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust has extended the rollout of InterSystems TrakCare health information system to streamline intensive care admissions and documentation.
The UK will create the world’s first real-time surveillance system to monitor the threat of future pandemics.
A new robotic surgery programme at St Albans City Hospital is set to benefit hundreds of patients across West Hertfordshire.
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (OUH) has publicised its plan to tackle bullying and harassment among staff.
Skills for Care is running a campaign to support people working in social care build their digital confidence throughout November and December.
GPs are calling on the government to protect them from the hike in National Insurance contributions from April next year, unveiled in last week's Budget, warning it could hit services for patients.
Trish Bennett has begun her new role as Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust's new chief executive, following a short spell as CEO designate.
The NHS is offering the public support in how to access online health services including the NHS App at 1,400 libraries across England.
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