CQC praises trust's community health inpatient services

The CQC has praised community health inpatient services provided by Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust.

(c) Markus Winkler/Pixabay

(c) Markus Winkler/Pixabay

The unannounced inspection of services at Haslemere Hospital and Milford Hospital in June found ‘low vacancy rates' and ‘enough staff on duty to meet people's needs'.

‘There were good policies and procedures in place around the management of medicines,' the CQC added.

‘Staff said they had productive links with other local organisations which helped ensure people could be discharged or transferred as needed.'

Inspectors found medicines including controlled drugs, such as strong painkillers and medical gases, were stored securely.

Staff worked with people to ensure they could be discharged safely, for example, making sure they were able to do everyday tasks like washing and making a hot drink.

Staff and leaders also had a good relationship with the local authorities and worked with them when planning discharges, the CQC said.

No ratings were given due to the focused nature of the inspection. Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust retains its good overall rating.

Dr Bill Jewsbury, medical director at Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust: ‘This is a very positive report. We're very proud of the services we deliver in our community settings and of our staff who work extremely hard to provide the best possible care for their patients.'

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