CQC removes conditions on trust's registration

The CQC has announced the removal of conditions on the registration of The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

(c) Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

(c) Gerd Altmann/Pixabay

The conditions were imposed following an inspection of maternity services in January 2023 which rated the service requires improvement for safe and good for well led.

A CQC spokesperson said: ‘Following an inspection at The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust last year, CQC placed conditions on the trust's registration due to a number of concerns found. These conditions required the trust to make specific improvements within a specified timescale and to submit monthly reports to CQC showing progress, and action taken to improve quality and safety.   

‘The trust has submitted action plans and provided assurance that they have made improvements, therefore the conditions have now been met.'

The trust was previously issued with a warning notice by the CQC following an inspection in December 2022 requiring significant improvements in the quality and safety of healthcare provided in relation to patients with a mental health need, a learning disability or autism.

Responding to the removal of conditions on its registration, a spokesperson for the trust said: ‘We can confirm the Notice of Decision has been lifted by the Care Quality Commission and we continue to focus on our improvement plan.'