Decision to be made on closure of maternity and neonatal services

A decision will be made this afternoon on proposals to close maternity and neonatal services at the Royal Free Hospital.

© Alexander Grey/Unsplash

© Alexander Grey/Unsplash

The move will be considered by North Central London ICB and NHS England (Specialised Commissioning) as part of a move to consolidate maternity and neonatal services into four hospital sites: Barnet Hospital, North Middlesex University Hospital, University College London Hospitals and Whittington Health.

The consolidation will also see the closure of birthing suites at Edgware Birth Centre and expansion of antenatal and postnatal care at Edgware Community Hospital.

Speaking ahead of today's meeting, Peter Landstrom, group chief executive of the Royal Free London, said: ‘These are difficult decisions and we know that there will be uncertainty felt by the public and staff who would be impacted by the future closure of the unit at the Royal Free Hospital, and the birthing suites at Edgware Birth Centre. 

‘Both units provide excellent care but we also know that the current arrangements across North Central London are not sustainable in the long term. We will be supporting colleagues and working with partners across North Central London to ensure that if approved, there is a detailed and thorough implementation plan to minimise the impact on staff and service users. 

‘For now, and the immediate future, all our services are open, unchanged and will be for some time, as changes such as this would rightly take several years to put in place.'

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