Healthcare vacancies and applications tumble

The number of people applying for healthcare jobs has nose-dived over the past year, far outweighing the fall in vacancies noted over the same period, new data reveals.

© Geralt/Pixabay

© Geralt/Pixabay

The latest insights from the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo) shows that the number of professionals applying for permanent healthcare jobs has fallen by 65% year-on-year, and by 49% for contract assignments.

APSCo's report also shows a sharp fall in vacancy numbers year-on-year, albeit not at the same rate as the decrease in application numbers. Permanent roles dropped 45% between July 2023 and July 2024, and contract positions decreased by 23% over the same period.

Ann Swain, global chief executive at APSCo, said: ‘This latest data indicates the extent of the struggles in the healthcare employment market, with both vacancy numbers, and applications falling over the past 12 months. Ongoing skills shortages continue to present major challenges for employers. However, most concerning of all is the significant drop in application numbers noted in recent months.

‘The new government's pledge to place more focus than its predecessor on resourcing the sector will come as welcome news to employers struggling to source skills. However, the devil will be in the detail so it remains to be seen how this pans out.'

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