Immediate action needed to end postcode lottery of health visitor support, survey

A report has called for immediate Government action to increase the number of health visitors as a survey revealed large gaps in provision across the UK.

(c) Hush Naidoo Jade Photography/Unsplash

(c) Hush Naidoo Jade Photography/Unsplash

The Institute of Health Visiting's (iHV) State of Health Visiting, UK Survey Report - From disparity to opportunity: The case for rebuilding health visiting, said a massive difference in health visitor availability was creating a postcode lottery for families who need support.

Alison Morton, iHV chief executive, said: ‘The report highlights the urgent need for investment in health visiting services. Health visitors want to deliver high-quality, personalised, and equitable healthcare to all families – but this cannot remain a "hope" that is limited to words in the pages of policy. We need to get the basics right and this requires action to rebuild the health visiting workforce that has been cut beyond the bone in too many areas.'

In the survey, 84% of practitioners said demand for health visiting support had increased over the last 12 months while their workforce had declined.

Less than half (45%) in England were able to provide continuity of carer to families ‘all or most of the time' compared to 90% in Scotland, 86% in Northern Ireland and 85% in Wales.

Nearly three-quarter (73%) of health visitors said workforce shortages impacted on their ability to support families when a need was identified.

Perinatal mental health problems was cited as the top reason for higher demand in the UK. Child behaviour problems, including growing concerns about neurodevelopmental issues like autism and ranked second in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

In England, practitioners cited social concerns including inequality as a main concern.,

UK, Cllr David Fothergill, chairman of the Local Government Association's Community Wellbeing Board said: ‘Urgent action is needed to rebuild and strengthen the health visiting workforce. The findings highlight the pressing need for long-term investment in health visiting services to address stark disparities and deliver high-quality, personalised care for families.

‘Health visitors are a safety-critical workforce, essential to improving children's health and development. Committing to an ambitious plan to increase the number of health visitors and resourcing these services properly will ensure that all families can access support, reducing pressures on the NHS and improving outcomes for children and families. Failing to act is a false economy.'

Sarah Muckle, ADPH lead for children and young people, said: ‘With rising levels of need and complexity, and decreasing levels of public health funding over the last decade, many families are now without this vital early support. Well-resourced and targeted local interventions are absolutely key to reversing the alarming trends we are seeing in our children's declining health, addressing inequalities, and for ensuring the health of future generations. 

‘We must see a sustained commitment to increasing funding so that directors of Public Health and their teams can ensure that high-quality, personalised care for families can be delivered to everyone, and that outcomes for babies and young children can be improved.'

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