Thirty seven-year-old Rumon Haque from Royton in Oldham was charged with attempted murder and possession of a bladed article following the incident at the Acute Medical Unit on the evening of Saturday 11 January.
Detective superintendent Matt Walker of Greater Manchester Police said: ‘Our thoughts are with the nurse as she continues to receive treatment in hospital for her injuries and our priority remains supporting her, her family, and her colleagues at this difficult time.
‘We continue to work closely with our NHS colleagues to support anyone who has been affected by this incident.'
Speaking on Sunday 12 January, chief nursing officer at Northern Care Alliance NHS Foundation Trust, Heather Caudle, said: ‘We are incredibly shocked and saddened by last night's incident and our focus is on supporting the colleague involved and their family.
‘Our thoughts are also with colleagues and patients who were there at the time of the incident and for whom this has been distressing and frightening. We will continue to support Greater Manchester Police with their inquiries.'
Haque has been remanded on custody to appear at Manchester Magistrates Court on Tuesday 14 January 2024.