Synnovis strike dates suspended for talks

The remaining three days of strike action at privatised pathology lab, Synnovis, have been suspended while talks between Unite and Synnovis continue.

© Fernando Zhiminaicela/Pixabay

© Fernando Zhiminaicela/Pixabay

More than 500 pathologists were due to strike 16-20 December over a restructure that had introduced threats of redundancy, downgrading and reduced staffing levels that would put patient safety at risk, but strike action for the rest of the week has now been suspended.

Synnovis, which is part of SynLab, has a 15-year contract to run the outsourced pathology services for six hospitals - Guys, St Thomas, Kings College, Princess Royal University Hospital, Royal Brompton & Harefield - across Kings College NHS Foundation Trust and Guys & St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust.

The company has heavily invested in a new hub at Blackfriars and plans to migrate the majority of its staff there, leaving only skeletal essential services at each of the hospitals, according to Unite.

The union claims staff are ‘furious' at how the pathology services company has been treating them during the restructure, with threats of redundancy, downgrading and unsafe staffing levels.

Unite regional officer Tabusam Ahmed said: ‘Our members have reached the limit of their patience with their employer and are prepared to head to the picket line in the new year if there isn't agreement this week.'

When the strikes were announced, Synnovis told Healthcare Management: ‘Ultimately, we want to avoid the industrial action and continue to provide essential pathology services for patients in South East London, and we will continue to engage with Unite to that aim.'

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