Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Hounslow and Richmond Community Community Healthcare NHS Trust have completed their merger.
An NHS initiative providing urgent care in people’s homes has resulted in 90% of referrals avoiding going to hospital unnecessarily.
A new service has been launched to help the cut time frail and elderly people need to spend in hospital.
A new report by The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, supported by IMPOWER, has called for a transformative shift to community-based care.
A new £12m unit will help reduce surgery waiting times at Wharfedale Hospital in Otley, West Yorkshire.
A new trust has brought together community, mental health and learning disability services across Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.
The Meadows community hospital in Stockport has celebrated what is to believed to be the first handover of a 25-year private finance initiative (PFI) healthcare contract in England.
A community diagnostic centre (CDC) has seen 72,000 patients in its first year.
Barts Health NHS Trust is one of a dozen trusts to benefit from NHS England support to relieve pressure on emergency departments.
A new £10m centre that will increase diagnostic capacity and reduce patient backlogs is nearing completion
Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire£37,938 - £40,476 per annum
Torbay, Devon£113,417 to £115,863
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand G, SCP 32 - 37 (£41,511 - £46,731) per annum
Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire£37,938 - £40,476 per annum
Torbay, Devon£113,417 to £115,863
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand G, SCP 32 - 37 (£41,511 - £46,731) per annum