An ICB has offered its sympathies to the family of a woman who died from excess prescribed medication from a GP and pharmacy in Derbyshire.
Leaders have warned the NHS faces a ‘curve of doom’ if it fails to address current patterns of rising demand.
The green light has been given for construction of a £16m health and care facility in Trowbridge, Wiltshire.
An NHS trust has pledged ‘to do things differently’ and ‘deliver improvements’ after an investigation found a ‘blame culture’ and ‘tolerance of poor behaviours’.
An NHS initiative providing urgent care in people’s homes has resulted in 90% of referrals avoiding going to hospital unnecessarily.
There’s little evidence ICSs have been the game-changer that they were supposed to be.
NHS Somerset ICB has identified 28-30 buildings that are not fit for purpose under an infrastructure strategy review.
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) has warned it could miss its financial targets due to disputes over new contracts.
A 12-point plan to transform peoples’ health has been launched by North East and North Cumbria ICB.
An ICB has decided not to reopen a Norfolk reablement centre despite opposition from local campaigners.
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Coventry, West Midlands / hybrid£26,688 - £29,314 per annum