Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust (SaTH) has apologised and pledged to improve after a review it commissioned found examples of ‘poor care’.
A House of Lords report has warned the national target to reduce preterm birth in England to 6% by 2025 will not be met.
Homebirth services have been temporarily suspended by Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust due to ‘capacity issues’.
The NHS is to compensate families following the accidental swap of two baby girls over 50 years ago.
An electronic health record system that enables maternity patients to digitally access their records has been rolled out across Humber and North Yorkshire.
NHS maternity staff in England will take part in a new pilot programme to help reduce avoidable brain injuries in childbirth, the government has revealed.
Government minister, Baroness Merron, has met with staff and service users during a tour of maternity and neonatal services at Bristol’s Southmead Hospital.
The CQC has called for action to avoid poor care and preventable harm in maternity services becoming ‘normalised’.
England's Health Ombudsman has warned that women and babies are being put at risk after a ‘worrying' rise in the number of investigations about maternity care.
Chesterfield Royal Hospital Trust has admitted failings in the care of a baby who died after contracting chicken pox.
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