Two months on from the launch of Healthcare Management, we met with members of our Advisory Board of NHS leaders to find out how we were doing and what we could be doing better at a roundtable organised by our partner, the Good Governance Institute.
At the outset it was agreed that our primary approach should be constructive and to share solutions to the challenges faced by the sector as well as build a relationship of trust with our readership.
When we asked our Board what they would like to see in the magazine, they highlighted the importance of sharing how leaders can learn from each other and ideas on how healthcare can shift from an acute focused system to neighbourhood and community care.
‘We want much less about management bashing,' one member said. ‘I accept we do need the professionalisation of managers but this concept of league tables could be really damaging and how we use that to good effect is really important. We need less of blaming managers for everything.'
Another member suggested policy briefing bulletins would be of interest.
It was agreed that some insight into the thinking behind NHS England processes and leadership announcements would be of interest.
There was also enthusiasm for analysis on how the Government's ‘three shifts' would work in practice and what Wes Streeting's recent announcement of management regulation will mean for the sector.
In addition, the Board expressed a need for providing greater support, training and guidance for the development of managers and senior leaders.
There was also consent on offering a platform for senior leaders to share best practice and ideas and the challenges they are facing through a letters page, for example.
Turning to events, the Board stressed the need for an awards format that more effectively recognised the achievements of frontline workers as well as the potential for a forum that brought together leaders from local government and the health system.
We will be discussing how we can implement our Advisory Board's suggestions and improve the magazine over the next few weeks.
If you have any content ideas or suggestions on what we should be doing better, please get in touch with me at: