The General Medical Council (GMC) has reported a rise in the number of whistleblowing concerns in the last year.
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has issued an apology over the death of Lorette Divers who died from sepsis after suffering a miscarriage.
A new report from The King’s Fund has set out seven priorities for the NHS in tackling health inequalities.
Tory leadership contender Kemi Badenoch has said the British public may change their mind on wanting the NHS to be free at the point of use.
Scottish council leaders have withdrawn their support for the Government’s revised National Care Service Bill.
More than one in four (28%) people aged over 80 are living with some unmet need for social care, a new report by Age UK has found.
More than one in four (28%) people aged over 80 are living with some unmet need for social care, a new report by Age UK has found.
Professor Kevin Fong has described ‘scenes from hell’ in intensive care units during the Covid pandemic.
Just one-third of directors of adult social care directors are able to invest in preventative services in the year ahead, it has been revealed.
Nearly nine in ten (87%) ICS leaders lack the budgets to meet their ambitions to provide more care closer to home, research has found.
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