Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is to exit special measures following a review by NHS England.
A deterioration in leadership has been found following a CQC inspection of Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.
The healthcare system is ‘still not learning’ from mental health inpatient deaths, according to a new report.
Two new Mental Health Response Vehicles have been introduced by East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS) NHS Foundation Trust.
An admissions restriction has been lifted at an acute mental health ward following ‘significant safety improvements’.
Oxfordshire County Council has committed £6.2m each year for the next 10 years to a pooled budget for mental health services.
Thousands of people with mental health issues have been helped backed into work through an NHS programme.
NHS Cheshire and Merseyside has developed an Air Quality Framework to address the root causes of air pollution.
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust is giving all children aged 7-12 and their families on-demand access to a therapeutic mobile game, which can ease childhood anxiety.
An inquiry into the provision of community mental health services for adults with severe mental health needs has been launched by the Health and Social Care Committee.
UK NHS trusts have seen thousands of staff take at least one day off work due to a mental health issue in the past three years, a new investigation reveals.
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