Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust is giving all children aged 7-12 and their families on-demand access to a therapeutic mobile game, which can ease childhood anxiety.
Herefordshire and Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust has appointed Ellen Rule as its new chief executive.
Prime Minister Keir Starmer is throwing the full weight of Whitehall behind the AI industry by agreeing to take forward all 50 recommendations set out by Matt Clifford in his AI Opportunities Actio...
Biomarker testing in individuals at risk of lung cancer led to a major reduction in deaths, new research reveals.
More than 95% of adults that attempted to contact their GP practice in the past 28 days were successful, with 77.8% making contact the same day, new date reveals.
The Government has responded to the Health and Social Care Committee's report on pharmacy.
Wakefield has received national approval to roll-out a data model to help plan and deliver health and social care services.
The South West London ICB has appointed three new non-executive members and two associate non-executive members, bringing a wealth of expertise to the board’s work.
PAGB, the consumer healthcare association, has appointed Mike Knowland as its new president.
An AI model can be used to predict both the risk of high blood pressure and which patients may go on to experience complications from high blood pressure using an ECG, new research reveals.
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