People living with dementia are set to benefit from government-backed research designed to help them live more independently in their own homes.
NHS nurses would stay in their jobs for between 7-10 extra years if the government forgave their student debt, new research reveals.
Care providers will be required to prioritise recruiting international care workers already in England before recruiting from overseas under new rules laid in Parliament.
The Government has indicated that it has accepted the need for bereavement leave for pregnancy loss in its flagship Employment Rights Bill and would have further discussions with the Lords on the m...
Children in the most deprived areas of England will get access to a programme to help protect them from tooth decay, the government has announced.
At-risk groups will benefit from better access to information on air pollution following the Government’s Air Quality Information System (AQIS) review.
Four thousand frontline NHS staff are set to benefit from a free rehabilitation programme that Nuffield Health are rolling out in partnership with the government to help get them back to work.
Government and GP representatives have agreed reforms to GP contracts for the first time in four years.
The government discovered demand for urgent dental care of 2.2 million, but covered less than a third of it, according to the British Dental Association (BDA).
As we look for the first green shoots of spring, the latest NHSE data has provided grounds for optimism for the Government with a recovery of another kind.
NHS England has written to ICBs across the country, directing each to provide thousands of urgent appointments over the next year.
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