James Lowell has joined NHS Hampshire and Isle of Wight on secondment from Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, where he has been chief executive for the past year and a half.
Fordcombe Hospital, a hospital acquired by Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust from private provider Spire Healthcare, has introduced Altera Digital Health’s integrated Sunrise electronic patie...
Regulations to restrict the promotion and placement of foods high in fat, salt and sugar have been laid in the Senedd, marking a crucial step in Wales’ fight against rising obesity levels.
There are several significant barriers to the expansion of degree apprenticeship routes to deliver the workforce targets as set out in the NHS Long-Term Workforce Plan, a new report reveals.
NHS England has appointed two new national advisers.
Decades of progress on closing the oral health gap between rich and the poor has stalled, new data reveals.
The government and Active Travel England (ATE) has unveiled almost £300m in funding to boost walking, wheeling and cycling in England.
Care staff who come to the UK from overseas are having to share beds with other workers, sleep rough, and pay huge fees to work because of exploitation by rogue employers, a new report reveals.
Workers at Great Western Hospital in Swindon are to take further strike action later this month after outsourcing giant Serco ‘failed to offer a solution’ to the ongoing pay dispute.
Intensive care nurses at Bassetlaw Hospital will strike over plans to transfer them to Doncaster Royal Infirmary for at least two months a year, with the possibility of it being increased to four, ...
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