The Government has been accused of a ‘shocking lack of action’ after research revealed the risk of dying within 30 days of leaving A&E in England more than doubled for people who waited 12 hours co...
Innovations in patient discharge and flow have been introduced in the North East and Yorkshire as figures revealed a record number of hospital beds occupied.
A new service has resulted in a 58% drop in frequent user attendances of A&E.
Barts Health NHS Trust has said it is making ‘significant improvements’ after urgent and emergency services at Whipps Cross University Hospital were rated requires improvement by the CQC.
The Government has come under fire after dropping a pledge to meet the four-hour A&E waiting times target by the end of this Parliament.
The Liberal Democrats have called for a £1.5bn, four-year winter crises fund for the NHS after revealing a 20% rise in 12-hour A&E waits this year.
A critical incident has been stood down by University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust after it reported ‘significant pressures’ at its emergency and clinical decisions units.
A hospital trust has denied claims by campaigners it is closing an A&E department ‘through stealth’.
One in four Brits have avoided calling an ambulance because they feared it would take too long to arrive, according to new figures.
A Government commissioned investigation by Lord Darzi has found the NHS is in a ‘critical condition’.
NHS A&Es have had their busiest summer ever in England with staff managing 6.8m attendances in three months, up almost by almost a quarter of a million on last year.
Sheffield, South YorkshireGrade 06, £32,115 to £36,124
Sheffield, South YorkshireGrade 06, £32,115 to £36,124