One in seven NHS staff (14%) experienced physical violence from patients, their relatives or other members of the public in 2024, new research reveals.
There is an urgent need for unified security systems in healthcare to tackle staff violence, enhance safety, and improve operational efficiency, a new survey reveals.
The Royal Free London (RFL) introduced body worn cameras for senior nurses in certain areas of the trust to help staff remain safe during incidents of violence and aggression.
With cases of violence against NHS workers on the rise, trusts and other associated organisations have been working to tackle the problem
Royal Cornwall Trust has admitted liability and offered an unreserved apology for the actions of a former locum senior found guilty of misconduct.
Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH) Trust has revealed a steep rise in staff abuse over the last three-and-a-half years.
Dudley, West MidlandsUp to £130,000 plus benefits
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand D, SCP 9 -17 (£26,409 - £30,060 per annum)
Rotherham, South Yorkshire£27,711 - £30,060 pro rata
Dudley, West MidlandsUp to £130,000 plus benefits
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand D, SCP 9 -17 (£26,409 - £30,060 per annum)
Rotherham, South Yorkshire£27,711 - £30,060 pro rata