Somerset has ranked second in England for ovarian cancer survival rates, according to an NHS England report.
Over 5,000 people have missed routine screening since 2008 due to an admin error it has been revealed.
The latest phase of the Scottish Government’s ‘Be the Early Bird’ campaign focuses on head and neck cancer symptoms.
Tens of thousands of people have sought NHS advice on attending mammograms following the launch of the first ever breast cancer screening campaign last week.
Health and social care secretary Wes Streeting has said ‘really daft things’ are undermining the equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) agenda in the NHS.
Building work has begun on a Macmillan Cancer Support Centre at Ashford Hospital in Surrey.
An internal review is being undertaken by University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust over malpractice allegations against former consultant Professor Ian Brown.
A lifesaving screening programme for bowel cancer is being expanded by the NHS.
A self-refer test service has more than halved cancer diagnosis waiting times for patients.
England has seen the fourth fasted (3.6% per year) rise in the rate of early onset bowel cancer, a global survey has revealed.
The NHS is launching a search for nearly 150,000 volunteers to take part in a series of research trials that could transform cancer treatment.
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