Nottingham City Council has referred Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB to the health secretary over claims it has cut mental health services without warning.
An in inquiry into the death of over 2,000 mental health deaths in Essex has highlighted a toxic culture in services.
North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust and the Royal Free London group are planning to come together as one organisation.
NHS Sussex has joined a national campaign for adults aged 40 and above to get their blood pressure checked.
The announcement of cuts by a South East hospice provider has struck a further blow to the Government’s goal of easing pressure on the NHS by providing more care in the community.
An ICB has said improving access to children and young people’s services was a ‘key priority’ after performing well below the national average on autism waiting times.
A digital CHC platform has been selected by Somerset ICB to help deliver a more streamlined service.
A fifth of hospices are making or plan to make cuts this year in the face of rising costs and a real terms drop in NHS funding
Some ICBs are seeking to challenge or repurpose the parts of the Better Care Fund earmarked for social care funding, senior Local Government Association (LGA) councillors have been told.
NHS England has allocated £48m to ICBs for 2024/25 to fund capabilities relating to the Digital Pathways Framework.
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Coventry, West Midlands / hybrid£26,688 - £29,314 per annum