Care leavers should be exempt from paying for council tax, prescriptions, NHS dental treatment and optician costs, to help prevent them from falling into financial hardship when they leave care and...
Investing more in prevention could deliver an extra £11bn return on investment on current spending commitments, a new report has found.
Councils have called on the Government to increase investment in the public health grant in the Autumn Budget.
Rising costs and demand in social care are driving cost pressures on councils as they warned they face a more than £2bn funding gap in 2025/26.
The LGA has called for the scrapping of single word CQC ratings for adult social care services.
Councils in England face a £6bn funding gap over the next two years, the Local Government Association (LGA) has revealed.
Only around two-thirds of councils are confident of being able to meet all their legal duties under the Care Act by next year (2025-26).
Coventry, West Midlands / hybrid£26,688 - £29,314 per annum
Coventry, West Midlands / hybrid£26,688 - £29,314 per annum