A report has called for a new devolution framework to address health inequalities and the creation of a local government finance taskforce to ensure funding is distributed according to need.
Councils are facing a ‘social care blackhole’ in their finances, according to the Liberal Democrats.
The Lib Dems have repeated their call for cross-party talks on social care after revealing a steep rise in the number of pensioners per care home.
A new initiative will enable at least 100 towns and cities across the UK to become better places to live and work, by putting nature and green spaces at the heart of their plans and priorities.
Councils have called on the Government to increase investment in the public health grant in the Autumn Budget.
An ICB has decided not to reopen a Norfolk reablement centre despite opposition from local campaigners.
Scottish council leaders have withdrawn their support for the Government’s revised National Care Service Bill.
Just one-third of directors of adult social care directors are able to invest in preventative services in the year ahead, it has been revealed.
Local government will need to be at the centre of fixing the biggest challenges facing the incoming Government, the new second permanent secretary at the Department of Health and Social Care, has s...
The Local Government Association (LGA) has called on the Government to invest in supported housing as part of a submission on preventative care ahead of the Autumn Budget.
Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire£37,938 - £40,476 per annum
Torbay, Devon£113,417 to £115,863
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand G, SCP 32 - 37 (£41,511 - £46,731) per annum
Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire£37,938 - £40,476 per annum
Torbay, Devon£113,417 to £115,863
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand G, SCP 32 - 37 (£41,511 - £46,731) per annum