The Labour Government is following a well-trodden path by neglecting social care, writes Professor Martin Green, chief executive of Care England
The Government’s announcement of a commission on social care has been met with widespread criticism for once again setting back the clock on reform.
The Scottish Government has scrapped plans to deliver structural social care reform through a National Care Service.
Social care is on the brink of collapse and cannot wait for Government reform in 2028, a report has warned.
Sir Andrew Dilnot has said it is ‘perfectly feasible’ for the adult social care commission’s work on reform to be completed ‘by the end of 2025’.
The head of a health and social care charity has said the Government’s launch of a commission on social care must not ‘overshadow the immediate need for investment’ in the sector.
In an HM exclusive, Professor Martin Green, chief executive, Care England, says Labour is following a well-trodden path by neglecting social care.
The government has launched an independent commission to ‘transform social care’, but proposals for major reform may not be delivered for years.
The total amount of Carer’s Allowance overpayment debts increased to £251.7m in 2023-24 from £150.2m in 2018-19, according to the National Audit Office (NAO).
The scope of a review Carer’s Allowance overpayments has been announced by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).
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