A new Government report says tackling sickness absence and ill-health related economic inactivity could be worth £150bn to the UK economy.
Rooftop solar panel installations at a third of NHS trusts is expected save up to £400m over 30 years.
The Government has voted to reject a Liberal Democrat amendment to exempt health and care providers from a rise in NICs.
Work and pensions secretary Liz Kendall has promised to restore ‘trust and fairness’ to the social care system in reforms to be laid out this afternoon.
Tory MP Mark Francois has slammed his local NHS trust for spending £1.25m on accountancy advice from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).
Mental health has worsened since the pandemic and is a key driver of higher health related benefit claims, according to an IFS report funded by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation and The Health Foundat...
One thousand work coaches will help sick and disabled people back into work under Government plans.
A study by The Health Foundation and Runnymede Trust has revealed how racism impacts health outcomes.
Three-quarters (72%) of health workers believe poor housing quality housing worsens chronic health conditions or delays treatment of them, a survey has found.
New data published by the ONS has assessed the likelihood of people who are economically inactive because of long-term ill health receiving benefits.
The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust (SaTH) has been recognised for its commitment to disability inclusion.
Doncaster, South YorkshireGrade 9, £38,653 - £42,728
Selby, North Yorkshire£45,178 - £49,764 per annum
Doncaster, South YorkshireGrade 9, £38,653 - £42,728
Selby, North Yorkshire£45,178 - £49,764 per annum