Two-thirds of NHS trusts have failed to hit their waiting list targets, Labour has revealed.
Greater Manchester, South Yorkshire and Cornwall are among 15 ICSs included in a new £64m pilot to help people stay in work.
Dudley, West MidlandsUp to £130,000 plus benefits
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand D, SCP 9 -17 (£26,409 - £30,060 per annum)
Rotherham, South Yorkshire£27,711 - £30,060 pro rata
Dudley, West MidlandsUp to £130,000 plus benefits
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand D, SCP 9 -17 (£26,409 - £30,060 per annum)
Rotherham, South Yorkshire£27,711 - £30,060 pro rata