Wiltshire trust transitions to digital maternity record system

Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has introduced a new digital maternity record system.

© Charles Deluvio/Unsplash

© Charles Deluvio/Unsplash

BadgerNet is an electronic maternity healthcare record system designed for real-time recording of events, whether they occur in the hospital, community, or at home.

The system includes BadgerNotes, an online portal and app that allows patients to access their maternity records from a PC, tablet, or mobile device. The information displayed is updated in real-time, based on details entered by midwives or other healthcare professionals involved in their care.

BadgerNet is being introduced across the hospital group, with Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust and Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust planning to adopt the system later this year.

Clair Murphy, digital lead midwife at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: 'It's great that we've been able to work in partnership together as three trusts to introduce BadgerNet.

'This joined up approach means we can provide women, pregnant people and their families with a safe and effective service, while delivering the highest standard of maternity and neonatal care.'

BadgerNet was rolled out across Humber and North Yorkshire in October.

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