The Local Government Association (LGA) has called on the Government to invest in supported housing as part of a submission on preventative care ahead of the Autumn Budget.
The CQC has announced the removal of conditions on the registration of The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
There was little evidence that high grade face masks provided more protection during the pandemic, the Covid Inquiry has heard.
The number of people waiting over 62 days for cancer treatment could rise tenfold over the next five years, a charity has warned.
Leading figures from health, politics and wider society have offered an ‘oven ready’ policy programme on health for the Labour Government.
The surge in health-related benefits spending in England and Wales has outstripped comparable countries, according to new analysis.
Almost three-quarters of people (72%) support a whole government commitment to improving health, research has found.
A think-tank has called for the NHS to be replaced with a market-based social health insurance (SHI) system.
The CQC has called for action to avoid poor care and preventable harm in maternity services becoming ‘normalised’.
Helen Morgan has been appointed Liberal Democrat spokesperson for health and social care following a frontbench revamp by leader Ed Davey.
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