Editor's comment - Green shoots of recovery?

As we look for the first green shoots of spring, the latest NHSE data has provided grounds for optimism for the Government with a recovery of another kind.

Editor's comment - Green shoots of recovery?

The Government last week declared that through the hard work and dedication of NHS staff 2.2m additional appointments were delivered year-on-year between July and November 2024. 

This means the Government achieved its key manifesto pledge of providing 2m extra appointments, seven months ahead of schedule. 

In further positive news, NHSE data shows waiting lists have been cut by almost 160,000 since the Government took office compared with an almost 33,000 rise in the previous year. 

For a beleaguered PM who has taken a relentless battering since coming into office and who currently stands rock bottom in opinion poll ratings, these positive figures are manna from heaven and provide welcome release from the constant crisis narrative on the NHS. 

While offering hope that the tide could be finally turning, there clearly is a long way to go, however, with the Government having set out an extremely ambitious target of 92% of patients being seen within 18 weeks by the end of Parliament. 

The latest NHSE figures for December 2024 show there were 58% waiting less than 18 weeks, well short of the 92% target but inching towards the interim milestone of 65% by March 2026. 

Still much to do then but at least we are finally going in the right direction. 

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