Five Scottish institutions have been awarded £1m in funding each to conduct major research programmes into public health.
The Liberal Democrats have pledged a £1bn a year investment to reverse cuts to the Public Health Grant.
Public health services such as sexual health and drug and alcohol programmes have seen their budgets reduced by more than other health care services, thinktank reveals.
Poorer parts of the country would lose hundred millions of pounds of funding if the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is scrapped to pay for a new National Service, the IFS has warned.
Poverty and the cost of living crisis is impacting public health in almost every part of England, an NHS Providers survey has found.
Legal & General has announced a £3m Health Equity Fund in partnership with Sir Michael Marmot and the University College London Institute of Health Equity.
A kiosk at a Surrey shopping centre is offering free, quick health checks for the general public.
Walmart has announced the closure of all 51 of its health centres in five US states, as well as its virtual health care business.
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Doncaster, South YorkshireGrade 9, £38,653 - £42,728