A £200m boost to public health services has been announced by the Government.
A groundbreaking gene editing treatment is being offered to patients with sickle cell disease from today.
A lifesaving screening programme for bowel cancer is being expanded by the NHS.
One in two consumers (52%) believe their health will improve the next five years, according to a global survey.
Not enough people are being checked for cardiovascular disease (CDD), the National Audit Office (NAO) has warned.
Tom Holley chief executive of ACAVA discusses how creative placemaking can improve public health.
Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey has called on the Government to double the tax on online gambling as a ‘much fairer’ way to fund the NHS and social care.
A new retrofit housing programme launched in four local areas aims to help reduce fuel poverty and accelerate progress towards net zero.
Councils have called on the Government to increase investment in the public health grant in the Autumn Budget.
Five Scottish institutions have been awarded £1m in funding each to conduct major research programmes into public health.
The Liberal Democrats have pledged a £1bn a year investment to reverse cuts to the Public Health Grant.
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Doncaster, South YorkshireGrade 9, £38,653 - £42,728