Unison claims East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (ESNEFT) bosses put patient "safety at risk" by bringing in "untrained strike breakers" during last month's industrial action
Healthcare assistants at North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust and South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have announced seven more strike days.
Healthcare assistants at two NHS trusts have begun a three-day strike over pay.
A new cross-Government has been set up to develop new recruitment schemes to tackle shortages in key sectors, including social care.
Healthcare assistants have voted for strike action at Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust and Kettering General Hospital Foundation NHS Trust in a dispute over pay.
A Wiltshire NHS Trust has denied it has imposed a ban on overtime pay in order to cut costs.
Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire£37,938 - £40,476 per annum
Torbay, Devon£113,417 to £115,863
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand G, SCP 32 - 37 (£41,511 - £46,731) per annum
Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire£37,938 - £40,476 per annum
Torbay, Devon£113,417 to £115,863
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand G, SCP 32 - 37 (£41,511 - £46,731) per annum