Two-thirds of NHS trusts failing to hit waiting list targets

Two-thirds of NHS trusts have failed to hit their waiting list targets, Labour has revealed.

Wes Streeting (c) UK Parliament

Wes Streeting (c) UK Parliament

The analysis of House of Commons Library data shows 114 trusts have failed to meet the NHS Constitution target of treating 92% of patients within 18 weeks since 2019.

In addition, 22 trusts have failed to treat patients within 18 weeks at any time since 2015.

Most trusts have also failed to meet their target of 95% of patients waiting less than four hours in A&E.

Only 10 trusts hit this target in any month in the last five years, excluding Covid lockdown, with some trusts having not met their A&E target in over 10 years.

Additionally, a third of trusts have failed to provide a diagnostic test or scan to 99% of patients within six weeks since the last General Election with the majority failing to do so since Rishi Sunak became Prime Minister, Labour said. Some trusts have failed to meet any of the three targets in almost a decade.

Labour has pledged to meet the A&E, treatment time and diagnostics targets within its first term if elected.

Wes Streeting MP, shadow health and social care secretary, said: ‘When Labour was last in government, patients were treated in good time, and the maximum waiting time was cut from 18 months to 18 weeks. Labour will get patients treated on time with 2 million more weekend and evening appointments, paid for by clamping down on tax avoidance and closing loopholes for non-doms.

‘It's time to stop the chaos, turn the page and start to rebuild. The country needs change, and only Labour can get the NHS back on its feet.'

Saffron Cordery, deputy chief executive, NHS Providers, said: ‘NHS staff continue to work at full pelt to see patients as quickly as possible and have succeeded in cutting the longest waits for treatment.

‘Demand is through the roof in many health services where pressure is relentless yet trusts have been working flat out on post-pandemic recovery plans. Waiting lists for planned treatment were growing before Covid-19 struck after years of severe NHS staff shortages and underfunding of services.

‘Reducing waiting times is a top priority for leaders across hospital, mental health, ambulance and community health services working closely with local partners.'

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