A new report by MPs has called on the government to appoint a new maternity commissioner and publish a National Maternity Improvement Strategy.
Around 240 dentists will be offered bonus payments of up to £20,000 to boost recruitment under a new NHS scheme.
Head of the East of England Ambulance Service NHS Trust (EEAST), Tom Abell, has appointed chief executive of the Mid and South Essex Integrate Care Board.
Non-emergency procedures, tests and appointments at US hospitals have been suspended following a cyber attack on one of the nation's largest healthcare systems providers.
A new strategy designed to help people live well with dementia has been launched by integrated health and adult social care organisations in Surrey.
Medway NHS Foundation Trust has appointed John Goulston as its new chair.
Hospital workers at three Nottinghamshire hospitals are to strike after being left out of a Covid bonus payment.
There were one million more GP practice appointments in the South East in 2024 compared with March 2019.
A nursing agency serving NHS hospitals is charging up to £2,000 per shift, an investigation has found.
North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust has requested £4.9m from NHS England to remove defect-prone concrete.
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Coventry, West Midlands / hybrid£26,688 - £29,314 per annum