The Liberal Democrats have pledged to invest £1bn in improving GP services and giving patients a legal right to see their doctor within a week.
The Liberal Democrats have pledged to fix the ambulance waiting times crisis by providing an extra 1,000 staffed hospital beds and investing in urgent care services.
The Liberal Democrats have launched the General Election manifesto with a £9bn a year plan to save health and social care.
Almost two-thirds (62%) of carers have no choice about taking on an on unpaid caring role, new research has found.
NHS Confederation director of policy, Dr Layla McCay has expressed ‘concerns' at the latest Health Survey statistics which show an increase in the proportion of adults drinking at higher risk levels.
The Green Party will pledge to spend an extra £50bn per year on health and social care by 2030 in their General Election manifesto.
NHS England has confirmed it has scrapped a £300m digital pathways framework for GPs following a legal challenge.
Healthcare assistants at North Tees & Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust and South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have announced seven more strike days.
Health secretary Victoria Atkins has said a Conservative Government will ban NHS workers from wearing political badges.
A 48-hour strike by doctors in Northern Ireland is expected to cause ‘widespread disruption.
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