Staff have voiced their anger after two NHS trusts stopped taking lottery and parking salary deductions.
A new digital hub has been launched to help create the next generation of NHS technology.
The Liberal Democrats will pledge to make offering cancer treatment within 62 days a legal right in their General Election manifesto.
Liberal Democrat leader Ed Davey has pledged to be the ‘voice of carers' and to put social care at the heart of his party's manifesto.
Five Scottish institutions have been awarded £1m in funding each to conduct major research programmes into public health.
The Liberal Democrats will pledge to make offering cancer treatment within 62 days a legal right in their General Election manifesto.
A cyber attack has had a ‘significant impact' on hospitals and primary care services in London.
Healthcare assistants at two NHS trusts have begun a three-day strike over pay.
CQC inspections of Integrated Care Systems (ICS) have been postponed until after the General Election on 4 July.
The Liberal Democrats have proposed introducing regular mental health MOT checks at key points in people's lives.
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Torbay, Devon£113,417 to £115,863
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand G, SCP 32 - 37 (£41,511 - £46,731) per annum
Sutton-In-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire£37,938 - £40,476 per annum
Torbay, Devon£113,417 to £115,863
Sandwell, West MidlandsBand G, SCP 32 - 37 (£41,511 - £46,731) per annum