The North Bristol Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) at Cribbs Causeway is now fully open, bringing faster access to scans and tests.
County councils have called on the Government to invest £2.6bn in children’s services so they can invest in preventative care such as family support and children’s centres.
A House of Lords report has warned the national target to reduce preterm birth in England to 6% by 2025 will not be met.
Not enough people are being checked for cardiovascular disease (CDD), the National Audit Office (NAO) has warned.
The Health and Social Care Committee is launching an inquiry into the Government’s 10-Year Health Plan with a focus on ensuring under-represented groups are included.
The overall waiting list fell for the first time since February but the NHS warned it faced its busiest winter ever.
Three public bodies have condemned a campaign of anti-social behaviour against a local hospital.
The end of an era has been marked with the closure of the 130-year-old Birmingham City Hospital.
A Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC) at Woking Community Hospital has reached a key milestone.
Three public bodies have condemned a campaign of anti-social behaviour against a local hospital.
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