A report has called for a new devolution framework to address health inequalities and the creation of a local government finance taskforce to ensure funding is distributed according to need.
An investigation into mental health units and wards has found patients at risk of mental, physical or sexual harm.
Councils are facing a ‘social care blackhole’ in their finances, according to the Liberal Democrats.
A new service has been launched to help the cut time frail and elderly people need to spend in hospital.
A policy analyst has predicted next week’s Autumn Budget will be ‘helpful for the NHS but no game changer’.
NHS Somerset ICB has identified 28-30 buildings that are not fit for purpose under an infrastructure strategy review.
A new report by The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, supported by IMPOWER, has called for a transformative shift to community-based care.
The Liberal Democrats have called for a £1.5bn, four-year winter crises fund for the NHS after revealing a 20% rise in 12-hour A&E waits this year.
South Central Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SCAS) has warned it could miss its financial targets due to disputes over new contracts.
Health and social care secretary Wes Streeting has promised a 10-Year Plan for social care that will run alongside the 10-Year Plan for the NHS.
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