Healthcare assistants at two NHS trusts have begun a three-day strike over pay.
The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has urged the next Government to negotiate on pay this summer in order to avoid a six-month delay to a wage lift.
Over one in three nursing staff are regularly delivering car in inappropriate settings such as corridors, a new survey has found.
Falling student numbers mean the NHS workforce plan will be 10,000 nurses short of its target by 2025, the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has warned.
Junior doctors in England have announced new strike dates ahead of the General Election.
Airedale NHS Foundation Trust chair Andrew Gold is stepping down on 30 September.
Newly qualified dentists are to be required to work in the NHS to repay training fees under Government proposals.
Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust and Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust have announced plans to recruit a chair in common.
A new cross-Government has been set up to develop new recruitment schemes to tackle shortages in key sectors, including social care.
Healthcare assistants have voted for strike action at Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust and Kettering General Hospital Foundation NHS Trust in a dispute over pay.
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