A national real estate body has called on the Government to unlock private investment to address the healthcare maintenance backlog.
An ICB has said improving access to children and young people’s services was a ‘key priority’ after performing well below the national average on autism waiting times.
A new £10m centre that will increase diagnostic capacity and reduce patient backlogs is nearing completion
A digital CHC platform has been selected by Somerset ICB to help deliver a more streamlined service.
A fifth of hospices are making or plan to make cuts this year in the face of rising costs and a real terms drop in NHS funding
Theatre nurses at Guys’ and St Thomas’ day surgery theatres will stage a three-day strike over changes to shift times from today.
The number of health and care visa applications fell by 82% in July, according to the Home Office
The NHS in England is lagging behind other countries in terms of post-Covid recovery waiting times for major slower, analysis has found.
NHS England statistics have revealed the waiting list in May for procedures and appointments rose by 31,249 to 7.6m.
Skills for Care, the workforce development and planning body for adult social care in England, is supporting the Workforce Strategy for Adult Social Care with a new campaign.
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